Extraordinary People

Once again I’m in awe of the amazing people I know and the outstanding things they do. My friend Qimmah has written a children’s book specifically conceived as a response to the lack of visible diversity in children’s books, and to enable children of color to “find/see/recognize themselves in the books they read.” It’s called Charlie and His Imaginary Friend. It’s about a little boy and a giraffe and I can’t wait to read it to my kids. Qimmah and the book’s illustrator intend to self-publish, and have set up a Kickstarter project to generate the funds to do so. Check it out here! And visit Qimmah and illustrator, Popephoenix at their website, psnqs.com.

The book's cover. I LOVE the illustration.

About Tracey

Writer. Mother. Eater. Also Chief at Big Words Creative.

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