Category Archives: Eat Well

On Heartbreak and Carb Loading

For the past six months, I have been training to run the New York City Marathon for Camfed, the Campaign for Female Education. I’ve logged hundreds of miles, training to run 26.2, and raised thousands of dollars to send girls

On Heartbreak and Carb Loading

For the past six months, I have been training to run the New York City Marathon for Camfed, the Campaign for Female Education. I’ve logged hundreds of miles, training to run 26.2, and raised thousands of dollars to send girls

Here We Go Again

After a year and a half in lovely Chi-town USA, my little family is once again picking up and moving halfway across the country. We’re going back to the east coast – this time to Washington DC, where my husband

Here We Go Again

After a year and a half in lovely Chi-town USA, my little family is once again picking up and moving halfway across the country. We’re going back to the east coast – this time to Washington DC, where my husband

I Like Okra

I know it’s not the most popular vegetable, but I really like okra. I like its distinctive texture (yes, some find it too “slimy”) and the mildness of its flavor. I did a quick interwebs search and found some more

I Like Okra

I know it’s not the most popular vegetable, but I really like okra. I like its distinctive texture (yes, some find it too “slimy”) and the mildness of its flavor. I did a quick interwebs search and found some more

Vegan Score!

Today for dinner I made VeganYumYum‘s recipe for Pan Fried Tofu, Kale and Stir-fried Noodles. The kids were kind of into it, especially the noodles with a little dipping sauce drizzled over them, and the husband was happy. A hit!

Vegan Score!

Today for dinner I made VeganYumYum‘s recipe for Pan Fried Tofu, Kale and Stir-fried Noodles. The kids were kind of into it, especially the noodles with a little dipping sauce drizzled over them, and the husband was happy. A hit!

Spring Pasta

I started out today with an ambitious plan to try to veganize a great Mexican dish in honor of Cinco de Mayo. But that just didn’t happen. So when dinnertime rolled around and I had no real plan I grabbed

Spring Pasta

I started out today with an ambitious plan to try to veganize a great Mexican dish in honor of Cinco de Mayo. But that just didn’t happen. So when dinnertime rolled around and I had no real plan I grabbed

5 Uses For Poached Salmon

This might sound weird, but I’m really excited about poached salmon right now. Alaska wild salmon is a good sustainable choice, and salmon is packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. So, you know, why wouldn’t I be excited?  I’ve never

5 Uses For Poached Salmon

This might sound weird, but I’m really excited about poached salmon right now. Alaska wild salmon is a good sustainable choice, and salmon is packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. So, you know, why wouldn’t I be excited?  I’ve never

Ragout for You

The May issue of Bon Appetit has been open on my kitchen counter pretty much since it arrived in the mail. There’s so much in it I want to cook! Last night I made the White Bean Ragout with Toast

Ragout for You

The May issue of Bon Appetit has been open on my kitchen counter pretty much since it arrived in the mail. There’s so much in it I want to cook! Last night I made the White Bean Ragout with Toast

Roasted Spring Vegetables

Tonight I roasted some vegetables because the new issue of Bon Appetit told me to. They made a lovely, fresh, flavorful (and super easy) side dish. Roasted Vegetables Preheat oven to 450. Combine assorted seasonal vegetables (I used carrots, parsnips,

Roasted Spring Vegetables

Tonight I roasted some vegetables because the new issue of Bon Appetit told me to. They made a lovely, fresh, flavorful (and super easy) side dish. Roasted Vegetables Preheat oven to 450. Combine assorted seasonal vegetables (I used carrots, parsnips,


Chocolate pudding is one of those things that tastes like childhood to me. My mom used to make the kind that started as a powder, cooked with milk on the stovetop, and developed that layer of pudding skin as it


Chocolate pudding is one of those things that tastes like childhood to me. My mom used to make the kind that started as a powder, cooked with milk on the stovetop, and developed that layer of pudding skin as it

A Fish Dish

This easy, flexible recipe has been in pretty consistent rotation at our house lately. I’ve made it several times with Filet of Sole, which is fantastic, but last night I used Chilean Sea Bass (also good, but I think I

A Fish Dish

This easy, flexible recipe has been in pretty consistent rotation at our house lately. I’ve made it several times with Filet of Sole, which is fantastic, but last night I used Chilean Sea Bass (also good, but I think I