Category Archives: Get Inspired

On the Greatness of Girls

My sister sent me this video the other day. After she sent it I got text messages from her nearly every hour asking me if I’d watched it yet. When I finally did get a chance to watch it I

On the Greatness of Girls

My sister sent me this video the other day. After she sent it I got text messages from her nearly every hour asking me if I’d watched it yet. When I finally did get a chance to watch it I


Found this on Pinterest and loved it…


Found this on Pinterest and loved it…

Real Girls Rule

I just read this article about a 14-year-old girl who’s started a petition to get Seventeen magazine to take it easy on the airbrushing of its models, which she says diminishes the self-esteem of girls her age. Her petition, called

Real Girls Rule

I just read this article about a 14-year-old girl who’s started a petition to get Seventeen magazine to take it easy on the airbrushing of its models, which she says diminishes the self-esteem of girls her age. Her petition, called


  This makes me want to go out and do something! Tomorrow, though. It’s late and I’m going to bed now.    


  This makes me want to go out and do something! Tomorrow, though. It’s late and I’m going to bed now.    

Extraordinary People

Once again I’m in awe of the amazing people I know and the outstanding things they do. My friend Qimmah has written a children’s book specifically conceived as a response to the lack of visible diversity in children’s books, and

Extraordinary People

Once again I’m in awe of the amazing people I know and the outstanding things they do. My friend Qimmah has written a children’s book specifically conceived as a response to the lack of visible diversity in children’s books, and

Why I Want to Run the New York City Marathon (Again)

Today is find-out-if-you-got-into-the-NYC Marathon-via-lottery day. I’ve run this race twice before. The last time was in the year 2000 and I was 23 years old. That year, though I finished faster than my maiden run the previous year, I missed

Why I Want to Run the New York City Marathon (Again)

Today is find-out-if-you-got-into-the-NYC Marathon-via-lottery day. I’ve run this race twice before. The last time was in the year 2000 and I was 23 years old. That year, though I finished faster than my maiden run the previous year, I missed

Earth Day Post

“If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for

Earth Day Post

“If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for

Conspicuous Creation

I’m in New York for a work event. As I’m writing this on my phone due to malfunctioning hotel wi-fi, I’ll be brief. I read something poignant in my Real Simple magazine on the plane today: “Creation is a better

Conspicuous Creation

I’m in New York for a work event. As I’m writing this on my phone due to malfunctioning hotel wi-fi, I’ll be brief. I read something poignant in my Real Simple magazine on the plane today: “Creation is a better

Feel Good Story of the Day

I first heard about “Caine’s Arcade” – the story of an incredibly imaginative 9-year-old and a stranger’s plot to make his day – on the radio yesterday. The kid is brilliant and this video makes me smile all over! Bonus

Feel Good Story of the Day

I first heard about “Caine’s Arcade” – the story of an incredibly imaginative 9-year-old and a stranger’s plot to make his day – on the radio yesterday. The kid is brilliant and this video makes me smile all over! Bonus

The Pursuit of Happiness

I love seeing people succeed at the things that make them happy. I worked at the same TV network for 12 years. I saw lots of people come and go. Some of them went on to do wonderful and exciting

The Pursuit of Happiness

I love seeing people succeed at the things that make them happy. I worked at the same TV network for 12 years. I saw lots of people come and go. Some of them went on to do wonderful and exciting